Sunday, May 11, 2014

Create a Homemade Bib for an Older Family Member or Friend

My grandmother is in her 80's and my parents asked if I could make her something like a bib to help when she eats.  I told them that I could and went for a search on the internet.  The best and easiest one that I found was on a site called maiden jane.  It included a great pattern and instructions. I have made her several since I found this site and they are pretty quick and simple to make.  This is the most recent one that I have made.  These are great for those in nursing homes or assisted living, or like my grandmother that lives at home with a day nurse and my family at night.  This is a great gift that you can use any fabric pattern for it - whatever you like.  I use just a cotton fabric - like a good quality fabric.  I want it to be durable since they are worn at every meal and washed a lot.  I have never made a lining for the ones that I make but the instructions at the following site will give the directions for how to line it if you want.

You will need to scroll down to find the pattern.

Here is what I do.  You will need 1 1/2 yard of fabric, sew on velcro, and matching thread.

Since I have made this bib several times, I already have the pattern printed, cut out, and taped together but if this is your first time making it you will need to do this.

1. I place the pattern in the fold of the fabric.  Make sure that you follow the grain correctly.  I pin the pattern to the fabric before I cut it.  There is nothing worse than a pattern moving as you cut the fabric.

2. I cut the fabric to start to create the bib.  Here is what it looks like once it is cut out.

3. I pin a 1/2 inch seam allowance around the entire bib.

4. I sew the seam down around the entire bib.

5. I finish the bib by sewing on velcro so that it is easily put on and taken off.  Do not use the velcro that is sticky.  You will need the kind that you sew on.  It will last.

This is the final product.  It is a TN Vols pattern since we are a family of Vols lovers!

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